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/ NeXTSTEP 3.3 (Developer)…68k, x86, SPARC, PA-RISC] / NeXTSTEP 3.3 Dev Intel.iso / NextDeveloper / Apps / InterfaceBuilder.app / English.lproj / Menus.nib / data.nib (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1994-08-25  |  9KB  |  143 lines

  1. streamtyped
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. MenusPalette
  6. MenuCell
  7. ButtonCell
  8. ActionCell
  9. Paste As
  10. Optima
  11. MenuTemplate
  12. *@*@ccc
  13. Menus
  14. Matrix
  15. Control
  16.     Responder
  17. @:@iiii
  18. [12@]
  19. Info Panel...
  20. Preferences...
  21. Help...
  22. ff@@#::s
  23. submenuAction:
  24. NXImage
  25. NXmenuArrow
  26. Document
  27. Open...
  28. Save As...
  29. Save To...
  30. Save All
  31. Revert to Saved
  32. Close
  33. Format
  34. Font Panel...
  35. Italic
  36.     Underline
  37. Superscript
  38.     Subscript
  39. Unscript
  40.     Copy Font
  41. Paste Font
  42. Align Left
  43. Center
  44. Align Right
  45. Show Ruler
  46. Copy Ruler
  47. Paste Ruler
  48. Page Layout...
  49. Windows
  50. Arrange in Front
  51. Miniaturize Window
  52. Close Window
  53. Services
  54. Find Panel...
  55.     Find Next
  56. Find Previous
  57. Enter Selection
  58. Jump to Selection
  59.     Colors...
  60. Submenu
  61. [1@]d
  62. [11@]
  63. Paste
  64. Paste and Link
  65. Paste Link Button
  66. Publish Selection...
  67. Show Links
  68. Link Inspector...
  69. Delete
  70. Spelling...
  71. Check Spelling
  72. Select All
  73. ASCII
  74.     Rich Text
  75. Button
  76. NXmenuArrowH
  77.     Helvetica
  78.  Item
  79. WindowTemplate
  80. iiii***@s@
  81. Panel
  82. FontManager
  83. Font Manager
  84.  Colors...
  85. File's Owner
  86. [81@]
  87. IBControlConnector
  88. IBConnector
  89. copy:
  90. paste:
  91. selectAll:
  92. alignSelLeft:
  93. alignSelCenter:
  94. alignSelRight:
  95. copyRuler:
  96. pasteRuler:
  97. delete:
  98. showGuessPanel:
  99. checkSpelling:
  100. performMiniaturize:
  101. performClose:
  102. toggleRuler:
  103. runPageLayout:
  104. orderFrontColorPanel:
  105. arrangeInFront:
  106. orderFrontFontPanel:
  107. superscript:
  108. subscript:
  109.     unscript:
  110.     copyFont:
  111. pasteFont:
  112. underline:
  113. IBOutletConnector
  114. infoView
  115. documentView
  116. editView
  117. formatView
  118. windowsView
  119. fontView
  120. textView
  121. findView
  122. colorsView
  123. itemView
  124. submenuView
  125. servicesView
  126. infoMenu
  127. documentMenu
  128. editMenu
  129. formatMenu
  130. windowsMenu
  131. fontMenu
  132. textMenu
  133. findMenu
  134. colorsMenu
  135. itemMenu
  136. submenuMenu
  137. showHelpPanel:
  138. addFontTrait:
  139. originalWindow
  140. servicesMenu
  141. IBHelpConnector
  142. Tasks/Basics/MenusPalette.rtfd